About Us
Badger Ecology offers a tailored service of badger vaccination to landowners such as farmers, conservation groups and private individuals across Wales and throughout the UK wishing to reduce the spread of bovine TB on their land. We also offer artificial sett construction and sett closure and can give badger advice, surveys or mitigation plans on request. Our team includes a Veterinary Surgeon who has many years experience with disease management and an experienced Badger consultant, fully trained, insured and Lantra qualified.
We work hard to ensure the best possible results
We are familiar with the needs of Natural Resources Wales, The Office of the Chief Veterinary Officer of Wales, APHA and DEFRA, and have worked under Natural Resource Wales badger licences over 40 times. As commercial consultants, we understand the requirements of business and commerce, as well as how to maintain good public relations. Badger Ecology also has a good understanding of project management methods and time planning.


George Walters - Partner
George is one of the leading badger experts in Wales and has project managed one of the largest badger surveys and badger vaccination programmes in the UK. George works on projects across Wales and throughout the UK. He has vaccinated over 300 badgers with BCG and as part of the Welsh Governments Badger Vaccination Grant Scheme he has created and closed multiple badger setts for the purpose of construction, throughout Wales. George works efficiently and understands planning licence requirements, he is passionate about badger welfare and can offer expert guidance on all aspects of badger ecology.

Laura Howell BVSc MRCVS - Partner
Laura qualified as a Veterinary Surgeon in 2008 and has worked with large animals in clinical practice. Laura has TB tested cattle on farms throughout South West Wales and can offer tailored TB management advice, badger surveys and bio-security plans on request. Laura has a keen interest in disease management and is also qualified in badger vaccination and Cymorth TB.

Oliver Pearson - Badger Vaccinator
Oliver recently qualified as a badger vaccinator in June 2019 and has vaccinated over 50 badgers to date. A valued member of the team, he is also supervisor of artificial sett construction and sett closure operations and has overseen five sett closures and two artificial sett constructions since joining in 2016.